Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Review - Infinite Kung Fu

Infinite Kung Fu written and illustrated by Kagan McLeod

This past year has marked the beginning of my love affair with graphic novels. I have always had an issue sticking with series that seemed to stretch into eternity, so when I discovered this book (through a recommendation from the Unshelved team) I was thrilled. This is an entire series that has been condensed into one volume and I am so glad. I can easily see tearing my hair out while waiting for another installment. "Infinite Kung Fu" takes place in a world known as 'The Martial World'. We are told that planet Earth has gone through some catastrophic changes and has reverted back to what looks like the ancient Far East (for the most part - there's also a section that looks like a psychedelic city, but I digress).There is no technology - black magic and kung fu reign supreme.

In this world there are Eight Immortal beings who have discovered the deepest secrets of kung fu. They are not allowed to help the human race directly, so they each have chosen a single disciple to aid humanity and represent them on Earth. These disciples went out into the world with their teachers to fight off...wait for it...the hordes of zombies plaguing mankind (yes, there are hordes of zombies and kung fu - fully awesome). However, partway through their studies the disciples all gave in to the temptation of studying the forbidden arts of poison kung fu. The Immortal beings cast aside these disciples and feel they have failed the human race. Now the disgraced disciples fight for the corrupt Emperor as his sadistic generals.

Lei Kung, kung fu hero
Enter into this world weary soldier Lei Kung who was once a conscript in the Emperor's army, but deserted when he saw the atrocities committed by the generals. He encounters the leader of the Eight Immortals on a mountaintop. The Immortal informs Lei Kung that he is now a disciple and the last remaining hope for his world. Lei Kung is tasked with mastering kung fu and taking down the evil Emperor, who has ruled for time immemorial through supernatural means. Lei Kung is aided in his quest by his Immortal master as well as former disciple Moog Joogular. Although initially skeptical, Lei Kung slowly turns into the hero he was always meant to be. This book is a strange and wonderful combination of zombie-apocalypse, "Kill Bill" and love poem to old school kung fu culture. The pictures are dynamic and mesmerizing - and the awesome kung fu battles are practically a work of art. The one thing I will mention is that the violence is quite graphic. However, if readers enjoyed "Kill Bill" or "300", the epic splatters and disintegration scenes shouldn't be bothersome. If you're in the mood for a frankly fantastic kung fu adventure, check out this complete volume of "Infinite Kung Fu".     

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